How Do I Realize That My Roof Needs A Repair?

The roof is valuable for a home, but also at the same time, it is neglected. Life is hectic and perhaps you get very little time to look at anything else. The key aspect of a roof is that it does not interfere with everyday life. It remains out of sight and this is the reason for this space to receive neglect.  You may not have the time or expertise to care for the roof but it would be wise to seek professional help for roof repair service in Hayward. Regular roof repairs help you to avert the bigger dangers that this structure may throw up. If you insist we are ready to address the necessary repairs to your roof.

Roof Repair Work In Progress

At Foreman Roofing we offer our clients in the city of Hayward CA, a range of roofing services. We inspect roofs and also do the necessary repairs to the structure. However, there is a role that you will have to play for the necessary repairs to this structure. Your role will be to look out for signs of roof damage because that is when you can give us a call for repairs to the structure. Here are some signs that you must be on the lookout for.

The damage to the shingles

A check on the shingles is something that you can always do. It is an easy check because you need not have to climb up the roof. The shingles are visible, as you stand on the driveway and if you ever see them curled, cracked; it is an indication of urgent repairs necessary. They could also be missing altogether and that is again a sign of emergency repairs necessary. The shingles missing speak of a gap created in the roof and plenty can happen here. If nothing else, this is a compromise on your home insulation and one may have to face high energy bills. The shingles should also not be dark and wet. This is an indication of moisture trap and again it is an indication that you must do repair work;

Stains on the walls, ceilings

These are some common checks that you can do without climbing up the roof. The climb up on the roof is the dangerous part, but you can always check out for stains on the walls, ceiling. It indicates the probability of a leak happening. For confirmation, one can always take a ladder and climb up the attic space. This part of the home will give a better indication of a leak in the roof. If you see signs of moisture here, it is best to seek professional help for repairs to the roof. The presence of outside light in the attic space also indicates a leak.

Roof Repair Work

A sagging roof deck

This is the third indicator that you must arrange for a roof repair service. The decking or rafter in the attic must be straight and not sagging downwards. The downward sagging may happen if they are wet from localized moisture. This is a critical scenario and surely, only a professional can offer a solution. The repairs will only be feasible if the damage is limited to certain specific spots. If the damage is on a bigger scale, one may even have to think of a replacement. It is vital to instantly get a professional check done.


We have just discussed three vital signs that speak of the need to do a roof repair and there are countless more. It is a scary situation if you ever find granules in the gutter. These are situations when you have to book a professional roof repair service and if you permit, we are ready to do the necessary repairs for your roof.

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